Waterloo Research Publications

Ontario's Green School Pilot Initiative - Year One Sewage Treatment Results

Published in Influents, 2012

Under the Green Schools program the low energy and low maintenance ÔƶäÆåÅÆ replaces suspended growth-extended aeration technologies at three Ontario public schools – resulting in improved effluent quality, lower noise and odour pollution, and ongoing operating cost savings to the schools of over $60,000 per year. Also demonstrated are the WaterNOx nutrient removal system and wastewater reuse.

Transportable, Communal Sewage Plants

Submitted to ES&E, 2004

SC Shipping Container treatment units provide a ‘plug and play’ wastewater treatment solution that is shipped easily throughout the world, controls installation quality, reduces installations costs and variability, and provides more predictable treatment and operations.

Effect of Increased Flow Rate on the Microbial Population in the ÔƶäÆåÅÆ

Prepared for KEO, 2003

Periodic surges in flow rate or mass loading are easily handled by the ÔƶäÆåÅÆ technology with little to no effect on the effluent quality produced.

Communal-Sized Sewage and Leachate Treatment Using Biofilters in Process Trains

Published in ES&E, 1998

ÔƶäÆåÅÆ wastewater treatment technology applications ranging from municipal wastewater, food processing wastewater, and landfill leachate are detailed.