Make your commercial wastewater project a success with ÔƶäÆåÅÆ
ÔƶäÆåÅÆ has extensive experience treating commercial, high-strength, and light industrial wastewaters onsite. ÔƶäÆåÅÆs can be used successfully for a wide range of commercial applications including:
- Golf courses
- Hospitality properties such as hotels, resorts, and restaurants
- Campgrounds and truck stops
- Institutions such as churches and schools
- Condominiums, retirement homes and office buildings
- Greenhouses and nurseries
We possess the knowledge and experience necessary to make your project a success. Taking into account the wastewater characteristics and flow patterns, we will work with your project engineer throughout the design process to help ensure a high quality and economical solution. If you do not have a project engineer we can refer an experienced ÔƶäÆåÅÆ system designer for you to work with.
ÔƶäÆåÅÆ technology uses a highly engineered filtration medium, requires few moving parts, and does not require a skilled operator. A variety of different below and above-ground commercial treatment units are available, making it simple to find one that blends into your property with minimal site disturbance. The compact nature of the ÔƶäÆåÅÆ and its small sub-surface disposal field will allow you to get greater use of your available land, and can allow for development in areas previously thought unsuitable. Electricity usage in a ÔƶäÆåÅÆ system is very low, and long term operating costs are greatly reduced compared to alternative trickling filter, aeration, rotating biological contactor, or membrane bioreactor technologies.
A number of system upgrades and add-ons are also available for commercial applications. Advanced HMI control panels, auto-dialer alarm systems, and remote monitoring service make operation of the system simple and efficient. ÔƶäÆåÅÆ has years of experience meeting very stringent effluent limits using add-ons for phosphorus removal, alkalinity or carbon addition to aid in nitrification, and the WaterNOx BAF nitrogen removal filter to produce a final effluent with TN < 5 mg/L. Disposal options include sub-surface bed, shallow buried trenches, drip line irrigation, surface discharge and wastewater recycling for non-potable uses such as irrigation, toilet flushing and truck washing.