Basket Biofilters
Below ground and out of sight
ÔƶäÆåÅÆ Baskets are constructed of a rigid steel mesh that is coated for corrosion protection. Baskets are filled with the patented ÔƶäÆåÅÆ filter medium, shipped to site, and placed in a concrete or fiberglass tank. Baskets are sized for locally available tanks to reduce costs for the installer and homeowner. Treated effluent is pumped from the Biofilter treatment unit to a small disposal bed, leaching field or trench. Basket Biofilters operate in recirculation mode for increased nitrogen removal. The only moving parts are two high-quality, energy efficient 1/2 horsepower effluent pumps that operate intermittently throughout the day.
Product Benefits
Ideal for clay soils and small lots
Ideal for increased nitrogen removal
System is completely below-ground and out of sight
Baskets are sized for locally available concrete or fibreglass tanks
Baskets can be scaled up for any size home
Custom sized Baskets reduce excess treatment capacity and costs
Tanks are sealed and below-ground to block potential odours

Less moving parts
Less energy
No noisy air compressor
Permanent Filter Medium
Never needs to be cleaned or replaced.
Warrantied for up to 20 years, and will likely last for generations.
Low energy,
low cost.
ÔƶäÆåÅÆs use very little energy; up to 85% less power than aeration technologies using air compressors. In the long-term we have the lowest operating costs.