Flat Bed Biofilters
Lightweight and blends into landscaping with less excavation
ÔƶäÆåÅÆ Flat Beds are constructed of strong yet lightweight shells containing the patented Biofilter filter media. Flat Bed treatment units are modular; additional Flat Beds can be installed in parallel or series to increase the total treatment capacity of the septic system. Wastewater is dosed to the Flat Beds via a small pump chamber with an electric pump. Treated effluent gravity-drains out the bottom of the Flat Beds and flows directly into a disposal bed beneath.
Flat Beds are installed flush to grade and landscaped into the property with the supplied mulch or other porous covering. No distribution piping is required in the disposal bed resulting in a smaller system footprint and faster installation. With their low profile, Flat Beds can be installed in areas of high groundwater or bedrock without destroying the aesthetics of the property.
Flat Beds operate in a single-pass mode. The only moving part is a single high-quality, energy efficient 1/2 horsepower effluent pump that operates intermittently throughout the day.
Product Benefits
Ideal for high water table and bedrock
Ideal for small lots
Lightweight units are ideal for barging to islands and difficult access sites
Shallower excavation with no distribution piping required
System is at-grade and aesthetically landscaped into property
Minimizes tree removal on the property
Minimizes raised mounding on the property
Mulch covered Flat Bed lids block & absorb potential odours

Less moving parts
Less energy
No noisy air compressor
Permanent Filter Medium
Never needs to be cleaned or replaced.
Warrantied for up to 20 years, and will likely last for generations.
Low energy,
low cost.
ÔƶäÆåÅÆs use very little energy; up to 85% less power than aeration technologies using air compressors. In the long-term we have the lowest operating costs.