
Heartland Hills Habitat for Humanity, Waverly, IA

– Fri., August 25, 2017

Andy McKinlay, Head of Business Development will be presenting the benefits of ÔƶäÆåÅÆ for a new installation at the Heartland Hills Habitat for Humanity site in Waverly IA.

Check-in: 8:00 AM
AM Session: 8:30 AM -12:15 PM, Waverly Civic Center, 200 1st St., NE, Waverly IA
PM Session: 12:30 – 3:30 PM, Habitat for Humanity Housing Site, Waverly IA
Registration Fee:  IOWWA Member $100.00 | Non-Member: $190.00
CE hours:  6.0 – approved for CIOWTS credential
Presenters: Andy McKinlay, ÔƶäÆåÅÆ and Bob McKinney, R. D.McKinney Plumbing and Excavating Inc.